All works by Sarah Rupp

Sarah Rupp

Sarah Rupp is an undergraduate at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Her first chapbook, CRIMES: Future Tattoos for Insurrectionary Teens, was recently published by QbyQ Press (Norfolk) and printed on temporary tattoo paper. Some of her other work can be found in Poetry is Dead, Elderly, Datableed, Big Lucks, and Mask Magazine. She is currently working on a novel about Henny Gurland, Walter Benjamin, and Erich Fromm. You can write to her at or on Twitter at @capitaljizzm (sorry, mom).

Second Simone

In Sarah Rupp's new story, doppelgänger lovers Simone and Second Simone meet at a dive to plan a day of getting high to the soundtrack of extinct bird calls. The night takes a dangerous and bloody turn (but for who?)...