November 29 2015
from the bb desk

I dreamed recently of a bon cop, bad cop kind of situation with two private investigators narrating a gritty crime drama of my life; the bad cop was like “this dame’s got a lot of dirty laundry” and the bon cop was like “I don’t know about that! She definitely did the best she could, and she ALWAYS had clean underwear even if she wore her bras more than the corporate empire coerces us into believing is recommended!” and the bad cop was like “…?”

This week, an incredible number of sexual assault survivors on university campuses across Canada not only publicised their disclosures but also took on their institutions’ complicity in the conditions that facilitated their assaults in the first place. Shout out to students at UBC and UOttawa for taking no shit from their overlords; GUTS believes you, we stand with you, and we love you.

Here is an essay about who authors write for and how so often that’s white men. Here is a conversation about how race operates in the essay.

“But while the wealthy plot to ensure decades of low-density retirement life, the vision of millennials sleeping in the backs of cars ready to roll down the road as soon as they’re not needed or packed together in minimal-sized pods sounds more like a trap than an opportunity.” On lauding millennials for electing to be homeless.

Super cute PSA about mental health out of NYC.

This article, titled “What White Children Need to Know about Race,” is an accessible breakdown of the ways in which we fail white kids when it comes to racial knowledge. It is a great resource for anyone trying to develop anti-racist tools for talking to children. I think this is so vital in general but also especially important right now given that children are 100% hearing the Islamophobia characterizing so much news coverage of late.

When you cut your finger how many seconds does it take you to wonder how you’ll wash your dishes for however long it will take for the skin to heal over or will you have to wash your dishes with the cut and how much longer will it then take for the skin to heal?

I like this article about how Jane the Virgin represents BABIES (hint: well). Also see this incredible analysis of Jessica Jones, a show I will not be watching because it sounds WAY TOO SCARY FOR ME.

You can read an interview with GUTS editrixes Spring and Adelaar in the latest issue of Inquire if you want! It’s conducted by friend of GUTS Sarah Bezan.

Here is a very important video of a very important rebellion.

Cléo, a journal of film and feminism, released their ninth issue this week! It is on GRACE and it is beautiful and smart, as always.

“In settler states like Canada–ones that repeatedly try to destroy those that point out their barely extant and unlawful forms of sovereignty–Indigenous peoples live in the spectre of violence. But, things get misinterpreted: Indigenous peoples are quickly collapsed into violence, as if that’s all we were, as if indigeneity were its own kind of death sentence. We know, however, that the state is the perpetrator, that colonialism is the perpetrator, and that Indigenous peoples are resisting and world-building as we speak.” Billy-Ray Belcourt on his Rhodes Scholar appointment and associated media coverage.

I loved this profile of Enya very, very much.

Vox put together a compendium of talking points for when your relatives are being oppressive bigots at family gatherings! A mitzvah if ever there was one. Have a great Thanksgiving America, your holiday is an uncritical celebration of the genocide of Indigenous peoples, just like Canada’s.

Following hard on the tails of that terrifying article about morcellation, here’s an account of the specific ways pharmaceuticals are a sketchy thing to navigate for pregnant cis women.

You can go to the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Native Studies Symposium on Indigenous Masculinities! You can also read about reconciliation, urban planning, and Indigenous land ownership.

A conversation about race and Indigenous issues at McGill is long overdue, and this piece suggests that “A place to start would be a speaker-series on race relations in the university context and an on-campus campaign, led by minority students, breaking down common microaggressions experienced in class.” Also, Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers, stop avoiding the TRC results, ok?

Oh my god, swatting.

A two part narrative on a makeathon dedicated to the project of urination-related assistive technologies for wheelchair users (I, II). The makeathon was, and article is, very focused on cis women and girls, to the exclusion of people of all genders whose genitals aren’t 100% convenient for peeing from a wheelchair: otherwise, a really informative series illustrating the principle of “nothing about us without us.” The piece recommends for future makeathons, at minimum:

  • Paid staff or consultants that are people with disabilities responsible for decision-making, planning and execution

  • Clearly stated policies and information on accessibility and accommodations to prospective participants at the onset

  • Availability of self-care and personal assistance support

  • Accessible event spaces, classes, transportation, materials and online content

  • People with disabilities on the judging panel

There’s been a recent rise in the number of pieces on compensating emotional labourers monetarily, and this is a PSA to pay attention to who these articles are by and who they do not cite. Just mull it over.


“A quick Google search reveals that many orgs focus on the visibility of womanhood in both their language and public image, affixing “girl”, “lady” or “dame” to the title, intent on targeting the industry’s gender gap. Often times the site’s language simply states they provide spaces for women. In rare instances—after scrolling to the bottom or squinting extra hard—I would find an inclusivity statement assuring the acceptance of trans people.” On marginalized creators’ needs in tech organizations.

Dude feminists: shhh.

Nylon’s 16-interview series with music industry cis women is super cool.

An informative and kind comic about genitals.

Canadaland on notable shit John Furlong. To those who he abused: GUTS believes you, we stand with you, and we love you.



Grey Cup, rah rah. May you all stand up as fiercely to your challenges this week as this precious baby. XOXO



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