July 17th, 2016

from Nat


I quite honestly don’t know what to say about this week and month and year. I have been trying to listen and hear and read and learn more. Here’s some things this week that helped me do that.

  • 12 reasons CanLit’s got me feeling so tired (“#2: I’m tired of looking at the handful of people of colour in the room wondering if they feel outside too or if they’re blending in just fine and realizing that either way, it’s still a lonely cause”.)
  • Why I’m non-binary but don’t use they/them: “I don’t like using they/them pronouns because it feels so foreign to me. It’s really no shade to those who have found a home in they/them, but more so calling into question the terms “gender neutral” and “neutrality” in a world where nothing is neutral or objective, and often all defaults are based in masculinity and whiteness.”
  • “On the one hand, Instagram happiness gurus make me want to drown myself in a kale smoothie. On the other, I’m sick and tired of seeing the most brilliant people I know, the fighters and artists and mad radical thinkers whose lives’ work might actually improve the world, treat themselves and each other in ludicrously awful ways with the excuse, implicit or explicit, that any other approach to life is counterrevolutionary.” Laurie Penny on self-care is very good 
  • “I need to address the white people and non-Black POC within the sick and crip communities that I’m a part of, or that have resonated with Sick Woman Theory in their own work.” Johanna Hedva on Black Lives Matter
  • “BLM-TO’s Pride protest has steered the conversation back to deeper and more important, even philosophical, questions of queer life. We need to meditate on them.” Rinaldo Walcott on BLM-TO


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